ONE HANK of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock. For contrasting cuff and heel: use leftovers from your stash.
Yarn A LLs Shepherd Sock: Iris Garden x 1
Yarn B Opal Uni Solids col:15 (small amount from your stash)
Ndls 3mm (US3)
Tension 7.5 sts and 10 rows = 1" (St st in the rnd)
* leg length (from top of picot edge to top of heel) = 14.5cm
PM: place marker
TBL: through the back loop
Using yarn B, CO 60 sts.
K 5 rnds.
Break yarn. Join in yarn A.
K 1 rnd.
Picot edge
Rnd 1 *K2tog, YO*
K 6 rnds
Fold and attach facing by picking up the edge of the 1st CO st and K tog with the 1st st on the ndle. Alternatively, use the CO tail yarn to sew in place.
K the next 48 rnds.
Break yarn A.

Join in yarn B.
Heel… 30 sts
Row 1 *Sl 1, K1*
Row 2 Sl 1, P29
Rep these 2 rnds until heel meas 6cm
(approx 22 rows) ending with a RS row facing.
Turn heel... round French heel
Row 1 Sl 1, K16, K2tog tbl, K1, turn
Row 2 Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 3 Sl 1, K6, K2tog tbl, K1, turn
Row 4 Sl 1, P7, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 5 Sl 1, K8, K2tog tbl, K1, turn
Cont working 1 more st until all sts have been worked.
Next row Sl 1, K across
Pick up 15 sts along selvedge heel flap, K across 30 sts, pick up 15 sts along other side of heel, K across half of the heel sts.
K 1 rnd.
Break yarn.
Join in yarn A.
Rnd 1 N1 K to last 3 sts, K 2tog K1; N2 K; N3 K1, SSK, K to end.
Rnd 2 K
Rep rnds 1 and 2 until 60 sts rem.
Cont without dec to toe.

Star toe
On the assumption that you're working with 4 DPNs and 1 working needle, proceed as folls:
Rnd 1 * K2, P1, K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 2 K
Rnd 3 * K3, P1, K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 4 K
Rnd 5 * K4, P1, K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 6 K
Rnd 7 * K5, P1, k to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 8 K
Rnd 9 * K6, P1, K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 10 K
Rnd 11 * K7, P1, K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rnd 12 K
Rnd 13 * K to last 2 sts on ndle, P2tog *
Rep last rnd 7 more times or until 8 sts rem.
Break yarn leaving a 21cm tail. Thread tail through rem sts, pull tight and fasten off.
Weave in ends. Steam block lightly.
I love the lace top on these socks! Did yo knit them on circular needles? If so, you mention on the foot section of the pattern to "modify for cirulars".....how do you do that?
Thanks! Carolyn
Carloyn: I knit my socks on a 12" addi circ so by modifying I mean place markers where the DPNs would begin. If you use the magic loop or 2 circ methods I guess the same would apply - put markers in place of the DPNs.
Hope that helps.
I can't believe yarn is so expensive in Australia!!!
Thank you for sharing the pattern. I am now working on sock #2. I worked it in a simple lace pattern. It looks nice. I used the 2 circ method. Worked very well. I like the star toe, first time using that. My first venture with the finer sock wool. I'm hooked!
Dear Nora,
This is my second pair of socks, and I love the picot edge, but I'm a little confussed about the toe.
Should it be done on 4 double pointed needles, rather than 3: with the extra needle to knit onto.
I have done the whole of the sock down to the toe on 3.
Thank you for the information. The toe is now re knitted and it fits beautifully. I shall definately be using this star toe again, it's lovely.
Thank you.
Susan: It's my pleasure. Enjoy the socks. x
first pair of sock and I need help
in pattern says:
cont in st st for 48 rounds
st st is knit one row and purl other but mine look odd. Do i need the flip the knitted sock thru the needles so wrong side is facing me? I am using dpn needles
Elaine: Knit every row until desired length (working only the RS rows).
Your emails are bouncing back so I've replied via the comments.
Nora,I like the picot edge very much and have read it for many many times but still can't figure out how to knit it,SOS,I need your help.
Just confirming that after picking up stitches along the heel flap that the decreases down to the foot are on every round, not on every other round. I have never seen every round before, but there may be something I have missed.
Love the top. Thanks.
Anonymous: yes, the decreases are on every round but you can do every other round if you prefer.
And no, you haven't missed anything, it's just something I tried and found that it works just as well as every other round.
Love knitting: I've left a comment on your blog. Please advise your email address.
Thank you for your help.After reading picto edge for many many times,finally I figure out and made it.I've posted the photos in my blog.Welcome see it.Thank you!!
I just wanted you to see my attempt at these socks. They are the very first pair of socks I've made!
Someone on the Knitlist Yahoo group was looking for a 1 skein pattern to use with Lorna's Laces & someone else recommended this pattern. Of course, I look at everything!! :)
I don't understand what you are talking about when you talk about the facing. It looks like others had this same question, but I still don't get it. Can you please explain more about what to do after the picot edge & knitting the 6 rows?? Could you please e-mail me?
I would appreciate it so much.
Thank you!
Knitwise Cracker: emailing you now.
I love this pattern but can't get my printer to print all of the pattern. bthatcher84@yahoo.com Could you e-mail the complete pattern?
Barbara, I've emailed you a Word.doc version of the pattern.
Sorry Nora, I didn't get your e-mail or thought it was spam & deleted it. Could you please send the directions for this pattern to me again.
Barbara T
Barbara, you can just copy, cut and paste it into a word doc...
Let me know if you have any further problems.
When beginning the heel, the instruction for row 1 is *Sl 1, K 1*.
Does this mean to Slip as if to Knit, or Slip as if to Purl?
Thank you for this interesting pattern. I'll give it a try!
Im in NZ, we are very lucky we have a place called Skeinz. They are a mill that spin wool.great prices I know they do international shipping.
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