Handbeaded from coloured stones and crystals sourced from all over the world.
Measurements: W 7.5in (19cm); L 9.5in (24cm)
Yarn recommendations: ribbon yarn, soy silk, rayon (yes, rayon - it's a bag)
Ribbon: silk chiffon, silk, satin, grosgrain
Beads: Crystals, fire glazed glass, diamontes, bugle and seed beads
Lace: pre-beaded guipure
Misc: Snap closure, D-rings
* knit in one piece and seam at the sides OR K in the round
(K flat over an ODD number of sts):
Row 1 (RS) P1, *K1 tbl, P1; rep from * to end

Row 2 K
Rep these 2 rows until desired length
Pattern (in the round)
CO an EVEN no of sts and join
Rnd 1 *K1 tbk, P1*
Rnd 2 P
Rep these 2 rnds until desired length
The lace (purchased at a bridal store) was pre-beaded with tiny black seed beads.
I added more by following the outline of the flowers and then 'filling in' said flowers with whatever beades I had at home.
I then attached it around the top and down one side of the bag using tiny hand sewn stitches.

Crochet top patt:
Once seamed, finish off with a single crochet egde. Work from right to left with the RS of the knitting facing you.
Insert hook into knitting, YO hook, pull loop of yarn through the knitting to the front, YO hook and pull it through the 1st loop.
*Insert hook into next st of knitting, YO hook, pull loop of yarn through the st, YO hook and pull through both loops on hook.
Rep from * to end of row.
Skip or add sts if necessary to keep the edge flat.
The original handle was discarded and replaced by a ribbon threaded through the d-rings and secured by a knot.
I thought about a beaded handle but decided against it. Another option would be a chain or a string of large black pearls (think Chanel).
Black Dog Knits
Hi, I'm just passing through but I think in your conversion to "in the round" for the stitch pattern, Round 2 should be all purl, not all knit.
Nice bag!
You're right! Thanks!
I just found you from Craftybernie's blog, and I have to say your patterns are fabulous!
Wow! this bag is so pretty. I can't wait to make it. I took a break from knitting to have a baby. Your patterns are gorgeous. Thank you!!
Good Job! :)
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