Yarn my own hand-dyed (equivalent to Opal sock yarn)
Needles 2.5mm (US 1) DPNs or circs for magic loop
KFB: K into the front and, keeping st on left needle, K into the back of the same st - (inc 1 st)
CO 60 sts
Facing K 5 rnds
Picot edge *K2tog, YO*
K 5 rnds
Attach facing Fold facing along picot edge to inside of sock and attach as follows:
Pick up the edge of the 1st CO st and K this tog with the 1st st on the needle. Cont in this manner, working the edge of the corresponding CO st tog with the st on the needle.
Next rnd K to last st, KFB... 61 sts
Flickering Flames patt:
Rnd 1 K1, *YO, K3, Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO, K3, YO, K1; rep from * to end
Rnd 2 K
Rep the last 2 rnds 3 times more
Rnd 9 K2tog, K3, YO, K1, YO, K3, *Sl 1, K2tog, PSSO, K3, YO, K1, YO, K3; rep from 8 to last 2 sts, Sl 1, K1, PSSO
Rnd 10 K
Rep the last 2 rnds 3 times more
Rep these 16 rnds to desired length, ending with a Rnd 1.
Divide for heel... 30 sts and 31 instep sts
Row 1 *Sl 1, K1*
Row 2 Sl 1, P29
Rep these 2 rows until desired heel flap length (approx 6.5cm)
Turn heel
Row 1 Sl 1, K16, SSK, K1, turn
Row 2 Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 3 Sl 1, K to 1 st b4 gap, SSK, K1, turn
Row 4 Sl 1, P to 1 st b4 gap, P2tog, P1, turn
Rep last 2 rows until all sts have been worked
Pick up and K 15 gusset sts per side (K across 31 instep sts)
Next rnd Needle 1: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1; Needle 2: cont in est patt; Needle 3: K1, SSK, K to end
Next rnd K
Rep these 2 rnds until 60 sts rem
Cont without dec until 5cm less than desired foot length, ending with a rnd 1 or rnd 9 of patt.
Rnd 1 Needle 1: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1; Needle 2: K1, SSK, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1; Needle 3: K1, SSK, K to end
Rnds 2 - 4 K
Rnd 5 rep rnd 1... 52 sts
Rnds 6 and 7 K
Rnd 8 rep rnd 1... 48 sts
Rnds 9 and 10 K
Rnd 11 rep rnd 1... 44 sts
Rnd 12 K
Rnd 13 rep rnd 1... 40 sts
Rnd 14 K
Rnd 15 rep rnd 1... 36 sts
Rnd 16 K
Rep rnd 1 only until 12 sts rem
Graft toe st tog.* Please note: Pattern is in multiples of 10 plus 1 and is a 16 row rep. For flat knitting, row 1 is the RS; P row 2 and all subsequent even numbered rows.
more designs at Black Dog Knits
NORA! Tis simply wonderful!
Thanks for posting the pattern! I'm adding this to my bookmarks. The picot edging is particularly lovely.
Love it, very pretty.
You are a very talented knitter.
ha! THANK YOU! i have been dying to make that shetland shawl! but i am too cheap to buy that entire book for 1 pattern!atleast i can make an equivelent pair of socks ;)
What absolutely beautiful socks! Thank you so much for posting the pattern. Can't wait to try them!
what a lovely pattern and nice colour!
Love the pattern! I'm looking to knit some knee-high socks and am wondering how I should adjust the pattern. Do you have a suggestion on the number of extra stitches to cast on?
Hi, Black Dog.
I love your own dyed colour for your socks.
I'm formiliar with this pattern as Fir Cone at www.knittingfool.com
Hoping to see the end result of your warm socks.
I too thought I recognised the similar lace from the shetland shawl which I am currently knitting on 3.25mm needles in Fibreworks silk laceweight from Ozeyarns. My experience as a firm knitter is that it doesn't lie flat but protrudes towards the wrong side from the top of the stack of yarn overs. As the pattern grows it looks like a sheet of eggbox trays or a sheet of that undulating foam! I'm hoping mine will block flat, and that the silk will block at all. Do the socks do that? Maybe it sorts itself out in more flexible yarn and to a larger guage.
Your ideas are great, and there is a certain something here, competence and design together. very satisfying. Great stuff!
It might be fun to post your replies to questions on the blog, so we can all learn?!
Belinda: Yes, the socks do that also! I simply ironed them flat upon completion.
From what I've seen on other blogs, the shawl does flatten with blocking. Good luck! :)
Hi, thanks for the great pattern.
Is the picot done in the round or is it knit flat first then joined in the round? I'm having a hard time imagining how to do it in the round...! I have done a picot hem straight.
Instructions for picot edge [as provided above]:
CO 60 sts
Facing K 5 rnds
Picot edge *K2tog, YO*
K 5 rnds
Attach facing Fold facing along picot edge to inside of sock and attach as follows:
Pick up the edge of the 1st CO st and K this tog with the 1st st on the needle. Cont in this manner, working the edge of the corresponding CO st tog with the st on the needle.
Google: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-au%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7TSHN_en&q=knitting+picot+edge+in+the+round&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=
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